International House

International House, the International House is one of the world’s largest and oldest language school communities. We are a global network of 160 language schools in over 50 countries and were established in 1953. Network schools teach English, Spanish, German, French and many other languages.

The World Organization International House is the headquarters of International House. We manage the IH brand. We work with the IH schools, we develop our quality scheme and ensure that these standards are met regularly by means of inspections, network communications, advertising and news management.

School schedule multiple annual conferences for partner students, provide recruiting services and list of vacancies on our job site and plan Study abroad school events. The School also design and deliver a set of online teacher training courses for teachers wishing to participate in or specialize in their ongoing professional development in a given area.


Location / Campus

United Kingdom : Aberdeen, Belfast, Bristol, InTuition, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Portsmouth,  Torquay



  •  Languages
    • English
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Mandarin
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Spanish
  • Specialist Courses
    • Young Learners Courses
    • Corporate and Business Courses
    • Cambridge, IELTS or other Exam Preparation Courses

Plan to study abroad?

Request us for more information

* All fields required (in English)

Why this School

  1. The organisation of the teaching programme in that there is a system all teachers follow including the semester programme.
  2. exam preparation and management of the exam sessions.
  3. Students receive personal attention from their teacher.
  4. Students report that progress testing is particular effective and helps them measure their progress.
  5. The complaints procedure has the learner’s interests at the fore, is quick and efficient.