Hands On Education Consultants

Exclusive Webinar: AI and Career Exploration by The University of Adelaide

Date: Tue, 30 April 2024

Time: 16:00 – 18:00

16:00 – 17:00 | Exclusive Webinar “AI and Career Exploration” delivered by The University of Adelaide
17:00 – 18:00 | Q&A session for students who want to inquire more information from the university

Event Format: Online via Zoom


Hands On and The University of Adelaide organize this Webinar for students, interested in pursuing higher education in Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses in Australia with a university from Group of Eight.

This event will offer an opportunity for students to learn more information through the Exclusive Seminar on “AI and Career Exploration” with further understanding of studying at the world’s top 100 universities, The University of Adelaide. With the privilege of accessing the Australian Institute of Machine Learning (AIML) and Lot Fourteen, which is an Entrepreneur & Innovation Centre for research and development in AI, students will be able to gain real-world experience through the courses at the university. The Webinar will conclude with the Q and A session for students who would like to talk with the university.

This Webinar is for the students who are:


Free attendance and service throughout the event. If interested, please register by filling in the form below.