The Language Gallery

The Language Gallery (TLG), the Language Gallery delivers language courses at a number of locations worldwide. With schools in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Vancouver and Toronto, we pride ourselves on our internationalism and our interactive approach to the learning process. All of our schools are conveniently located at the centre of the cities in which they are based.

The Language Gallery prides itself in offering a range of English courses across a variety of cities. For the UK, you have the choice of studying English in London, Nottingham or Birmingham. In Canada, you can study with our partners in Toronto or Vancouver .The strong sense of community at each school means you will have no problems settling in, whichever destination you choose.

The Language Gallery Standards are: giving both staff and students equal opportunity to achieve academic excellence, celebrating multiculturalism and inclusion The Language Gallery UK is aimed at providing all our students with language skills and experience, as well as a sense of community through the incorporation of enjoyable and meaningful social experiences.

Students can choose from different types of English language courses at The Language Gallery. You can also mix lessons to increase the speed of your language learning. Take advantage of our versatility to switch from one language course to the next to suit your needs at no extra cost. Our language courses will help you improve your English communication skills and progress at a right pace for you. We will make sure that you can communicate successfully in day to day and workplace situations.


Location / Campus

England, (UK): London, Nottingham, Birmingham

Canada: Toronto, Vancouver



General Courses

    • English Courses
    • General English
    • English for Work

Exam Preparation

    • IELTS Preparation

On Demand

    • One-to-One
    • Group Courses

University Preparation

    • University Pathway Programme


    • English Electives
    • Evening Courses
    • General Spanish
    • General German
    • General French
    • English for Work
    • General Arabic
    • Work related English
    • Internship Pathway Programme

TLG Juniors

    • Dance Summer Camp
    • English Language and London Sightseeing
    • English Language and Manchester Sightseeing

Plan to study abroad?

Request us for more information

* All fields required (in English)

Why this School

  1. Certificate of attendance
  2. British Council Accredited centres: London, Manchester, Birmingham
  3. Regular assessments and tutorials
  4. SMART Learning trips and activities
  5. Weekly IELTS practice test papers