UCAS Clearing & Adjustment 2024

IB and A-Level results day can be pretty daunting, as you find out whether or not you have met the conditions asked for by the universities of your choice. As much as you hope and pray that you have met or exceeded the predicted grades, it can also be comforting to know that you have a backup plan – and UCAS Clearing, is exactly that.

UCAS Clearing allows you the opportunity to reconsider your options, upon your exam results being published, if you did not meet the conditions of your offers or did not receive any offers from the universities you applied to (or none you wanted to accept); as several universities will have unfilled places on some of their courses, with some being able to accept lower entry requirements during Clearing. This option is also open to students who wish to apply late in the cycle, after 30 June, but did not apply to a UK university earlier on.

Though the opportunity to reconsider is not just for those who have received lower results than expected. If you have met and exceeded conditions for your firm choice, and are thinking about an alternative course, you can also switch to another course and university that you prefer, through Adjustment. Similarly, to Clearing, some applicants may have missed their conditions at universities (which may be of a higher ranking) that you initially thought was out of reach, thus you can submit a new application to see if you can fill the vacancy. – Do not worry if you do not find anything, as you can keep the course you gained on results day.

UCAS Clearing

How to go through Clearing/Adjustment?

  1. Contact Hands On, a UCAS Centre, to get dedicated support throughout the whole Clearing/Adjustment process
  2. With native English-speaking staff and a close relationship with over 100 UK universities, Hands On can help you find a vacant course suitable to you and check that you meet the entry requirements
  3. Before applying to the Clearing/Adjustment course, Hands On will help you contact the university to get a verbal offer. For Clearing, you can get multiple informal offers, but for Adjustment, you can only have one (as the university will have to add themselves to your application).
  4. Once your offer is confirmed, make sure to start looking for accommodation and prep for your visa application. – Hands On will be happy to help!


All of Hands On services are free of charge.

For anyone concerned about meeting the entry requirements of their preferred UK undergraduate degree, please feel free to speak to one of our counsellors at a Hands On office. They are UK alumni who are more than willing to share their experiences with you.

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