บทสัมภาษณ์: น้อง Geno จากมหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
It only takes a year to complete my masters here in the UK, also I’ve heard many great things about the party life here which some may be true but still overrated. Plus it’s really close to the EU so it’s gonna be great for a quick getaway vacation or some quick espresso in Roma during the weekend. But honestly, the main reason was it doesn’t take that much time to get back to Thailand.
According to the Guardian, Swansea University was ranked no.1 for Social Policies and Social Administration in the year 2021, so why not just go for the best. Plus I’ve graduated an International Relations and Global Affairs for my BA with two minors including Asian & Beyond and International relations & World Politics, so why not International Security.
รีวิวบริการของพี่ ๆ Hands On
P’ Tarn was amazing, really did everything and was the man of the show. Made me think of the phrase รวดเร็วทันใจ. Truly a great person, gotta give P’ Tarn the hands up for putting all hands on deck.